Gonna Be Best Buds

Camden will ask to hold Colter and he does it so well.  After a few minutes though, Camden wants Bruiser off of him.  Couldn’t have anything to do with Colter being 17lbs on a 30lb 2 year old.

Hopefully, we will see these two boys smiling and hugging like this for many many years



Camden, Sammy and Olivia were all great supporters of their Uncle/Daddy at his Crossfit fundraiser on Saturday.  They all got to see a big fire truck and the nice fire men gave all the kids hats.  They also got to pet a K-9 police dog, play in huge tires and chase each other around.  It was a great morning and the hug shows it.


Yep, that’s Camden asleep in his high chair after eating a pb&j.  I was vacuuming and when I looked up, I saw Camden like this.  We went swimming earlier and he didn’t take a nap, so instead the sound of the vacuum relaxed him enough that he dozed off right here.  I was going to try and transfer him onto the couch but in order to do that I needed to wash all the jelly off of his hands and face. Unfortunately that woke him up.  It was a 10-15min nap though

Auntie Lindsay

Auntie Lindsay is Camden’s Godmother.  It was so wonderful having her here with all of us because it is rare that we see her unfortunately.  She lives in Vegas and has been in Mama’s life since high school.  This is her first time seeing Colter since his birth and I think he likes her;)  Miss you Auntie-always